Logo Netsis 3 Standard

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Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Logo Netsis 3 Standard

Developed for the central management of processes such as finance-accounting, production, supply chain, sales and stock in medium-sized businesses, Logo Netsis 3 Standard can easily adapt to the changing requirements over time with its scalable structure.


Standardization in business processes

Enabling medium-sized businesses to practically and effectively manage their processes at a much lower cost, Logo Netsis 3 Standard provides process standardization throughout the enterprise. The advantages offered by Logo Netsis 3 Standard include the execution of the flow of information between divisions in an up-to-date and efficient manner, the organization of complex business processes, and the effective management of customer relations. 

Up-to-date information, effective communication

When there is an information entry into Logo Netsis 3 Standard, all departments are able to directly access current information within their authority. Simultaneous communication between users is provided, saving time and lowering the level of unnecessary communication. 

Improvable structure

In addition to the standard modules designed considering all the requirements, custom solutions for businesses can also be optionally added to Logo Netsis 3 Standard. Therefore, a personalized ERP package becomes available for each enterprise.

Compatible Devices


Scope of application

Food and beverage services
Textile, apparel and leather production
Distribution and wholesale trade
Agricultural products - livestock
Finance - insurance
Electrical and electronics
Machine and machine parts production
Automotive and automotive supply industry
Food Production
Tourism, Entertainment, Hospitality
Glass - cement and soil products
Retail trade
Media - communication, publishing and broadcasting
Metal products
Health - sports
Food and beverage services
Textile, apparel and leather production
Distribution and wholesale trade
Agricultural products - livestock
Finance - insurance
Electrical and electronics
Machine and machine parts production
Automotive and automotive supply industry
Food Production
Tourism, Entertainment, Hospitality
Glass - cement and soil products
Retail trade
Media - communication, publishing and broadcasting
Metal products
Health - sports
Food and beverage services
Textile, apparel and leather production
Distribution and wholesale trade
Agricultural products - livestock
Finance - insurance
Electrical and electronics
Machine and machine parts production
Automotive and automotive supply industry
Food Production
Tourism, Entertainment, Hospitality
Glass - cement and soil products
Retail trade
Media - communication, publishing and broadcasting
Metal products
Health - sports

User-oriented design

Logo Netsis 3 Standard maximizes ease of use with its design that is prepared based on user feedback. Users are able to personalize their desktops as they like thanks to features such as background customizations, the ability to view all functions from a single point, the functional search button, and the organization of the desktop with the drag-and-drop method. The ability to easily add different applications and programs to the desktop also facilitates the work processes of the Logo Netsis 3 Standard users.

Apps and widgets for customization

Logo Netsis 3 Standard can be further enhanced with the apps and widgets that are developed by Logo and the Logo Solution Partners. These widgets and apps can easily be added to the desktop and are available with one click. This provides the capability to create a function cluster that can be tailored to the needs of any business.

Suitable structure for groups of companies

While a common coding can be applied for each company and branch in groups consisting of multiple companies in Logo Netsis 3 Standard, a custom coding system can also be applied for each branch or the company itself. Many operations such as orders and expenses, can be performed on behalf of the branches by the head office or the holding, profitability can be calculated on a group basis, inventory can be considered as a whole, and cash flow can be analyzed for all of the companies. In addition, the assets, liabilities, equities, income and expenses of each company in the group can be consolidated; and savers, investors, audit authorities and other relevant parties can be informed about their financial states and activity results.

Strong financial results

Providing instant access to accurate information through critical financial functions, Logo Netsis 3 Standard offers a reliable infrastructure for the strategic decisions of enterprises, contributing to the improvement of financial performance. With its flexible exchange system and reporting structure, the solution also provides the opportunity to follow international activities and access up-to-date profitability analyses.

Better control over commercial activities

Allowing the chart of accounts to be leveled and reported, based on the company and its method of operation, Logo Netsis 3 Standard ensures that commercial activities are completely under control. The chart of accounts are simplified by use of the branch, reference code, and project code dimensions in the records, and accounting receipts are not required to be entered thanks to the integrated structure of the finance management. Since accounting records in the other processes are created automatically, it is sufficient to just inspect them. Thanks to the parametric infrastructure, documents can be transferred directly to accounting or recognized after being checked in the integration pool.

Effective control with the Cost Accounting module

The Cost Accounting module of Logo Netsis 3 Standard offers all the necessary data to identify a strategy, to become a leader with new strategies and to increase profitability in a competitive environment. The effect of the costs required for a single unit of the product to be produced, such as workmanship, material, energy, depreciation, and semi-finished goods can be easily found in the system and the cost of the sold product can be quickly viewed. This significantly increases production efficiency. The production processes are defined in the finest detail so that the system can evaluate the data. The production stages and expense centers that are processed in each of these stages; the distribution keys through which the cost items of raw material, labor and depreciation will be evaluated; the order of the stages; products or product groups and the account codes for the finished goods, semi-finished goods, consumables and reflection of these groups are all entered into the relevant sections.

More effective processes for the monitoring of fixed assets

The Fixed Asset Management function of Logo Netsis 3 Standard enables processes in relation to buying fixed assets, debiting them to personnel, disposing of them, etc., to be easily and effectively monitored. Thanks to amortization schedules, amortization can be calculated in local currency according to the Tax Procedure Law, in reporting currency according to international reporting, and in local currency according to the Turkish Financial Reporting Standards (TFRS), while different depreciation accounts can be transferred to accounting through separate accounts.

Compatibility with foreign trade

The Foreign Trade module of Logo Netsis 3 Standard enables import and export operations to be performed more effectively, more efficiently and in compliance with legal obligations. All liabilities can be monitored in compatibility and integration with other processes such as accounting, finance, purchasing, sales and distribution.

Efficient production, low costs

Logo Netsis 3 Standard provides optimization in transactions and processes such as controlling complex production processes, compliance with deadlines of changing customer orders, complete fulfillment of orders, and the management of stocks based on requirements, thus reducing production costs. Resources are effectively managed through functions such as forecasting, master production scheduling, capacity planning, materials requirement planning, advanced production planning (scheduling), quality control, and machine maintenance and repair.

Error-free purchasing processes

With Logo Netsis 3 Standard, all supplier processes from requests to purchase invoices, are monitored in relation to each other. This allows the entire process to stay under control, and planning becomes easier. In addition to identifying the most appropriate offer by collecting offers from suppliers, details such as discounts and forward prices in contracts of suppliers who are regularly worked with can be defined in the system based on dates, and purchase records can be easily created. Plans are facilitated by the duration of supply definition and other similar definitions.

Better-quality stock operations

With Logo Netsis 3 Standard, stock targets and strategies can be created and monitored in the system, instant stock values and levels can be monitored and stock costs can be controlled. Products can be easily tracked thanks to material classification and leveled hierarchy designed for businesses working with various product ranges. The same type of materials can be monitored based on different criteria, and a change that concerns thousands of materials can be updated by changing only a single definition with the flexible configuration (variant). While materials can be tracked with an unlimited number of units, thanks to the feature of monitoring with different units, reporting can be performed through a single unit with the conversion coefficients feature.

Higher efficiency with Dynamic Warehouse

The Dynamic Warehouse module of Logo Netsis 3 Standard allows goods to be easily placed in the warehouse with the help of defined parameters, and to be easily collected during issuance. As it becomes easy to follow all the movements of raw materials and products in the warehouse, purchasing, placement, collection and dispatch operations can be managed smoothly. In addition to shaping the rules in the warehouse with the help of the parameters, matching goods with shelves based on their volumes, and tracking the stock entries/exits and production activities through serial numbers with the Serial/Lot Tracking application also becomes possible.

Optimization in deliveries

The process, beginning with the creation of all paperwork required for the orders and delivery, and lasting until the completion of a timely delivery can be managed in an integrated manner with Logo Netsis 3 Standard. Information in relation to stocks, requests, offers, orders, delivery notes, invoices and customer debts are easily monitored through the system, while the issue of invoices in foreign currencies for international operations and the tracking of payments in foreign currencies facilitate processes. The quality of service offered to customers increases as operations are managed properly and timely with an efficient sales and distribution process, and the improvement in customer satisfaction is reflected in your company as a competitive advantage.

Customization and integration as required

With Dynamic Coding support, a new form can be opened, pop-up warning messages can be sent, and the process can be blocked based on the rules defined during document entry. Businesses that develop their own applications or would like to integrate the ERP solution with different applications are able to benefit from NetOpenX. With NetOpenX, records can be transferred to the ERP solution and data can be retrieved without interrupting the business logic. The Netsis Rest API is an interface which covers the NetOpenX functions, and offers standardization, convenience and consistency for the development of web-based or mobile applications. This feature is supported by the REST (Representational State Transfer) Web API infrastructure which is a simple, flexible and capable architecture, and is able to broadcast via the Windows service without an IIS installation. The NDI tool can be used in integration with Logo Netsis 3 Standard to design custom data entry screens for companies.

User-oriented design

Logo Netsis 3 Standard maximizes ease of use with its design that is prepared based on user feedback. Users are able to personalize their desktops as they like thanks to features such as background customizations, the ability to view all functions from a single point, the functional search button, and the organization of the desktop with the drag-and-drop method. The ability to easily add different applications and programs to the desktop also facilitates the work processes of the Logo Netsis 3 Standard users.


Apps and widgets for customization

Logo Netsis 3 Standard can be further enhanced with the apps and widgets that are developed by Logo and the Logo Solution Partners. These widgets and apps can easily be added to the desktop and are available with one click. This provides the capability to create a function cluster that can be tailored to the needs of any business.


Suitable structure for groups of companies

While a common coding can be applied for each company and branch in groups consisting of multiple companies in Logo Netsis 3 Standard, a custom coding system can also be applied for each branch or the company itself. Many operations such as orders and expenses, can be performed on behalf of the branches by the head office or the holding, profitability can be calculated on a group basis, inventory can be considered as a whole, and cash flow can be analyzed for all of the companies. In addition, the assets, liabilities, equities, income and expenses of each company in the group can be consolidated; and savers, investors, audit authorities and other relevant parties can be informed about their financial states and activity results.


Strong financial results

Providing instant access to accurate information through critical financial functions, Logo Netsis 3 Standard offers a reliable infrastructure for the strategic decisions of enterprises, contributing to the improvement of financial performance. With its flexible exchange system and reporting structure, the solution also provides the opportunity to follow international activities and access up-to-date profitability analyses.


Better control over commercial activities

Allowing the chart of accounts to be leveled and reported, based on the company and its method of operation, Logo Netsis 3 Standard ensures that commercial activities are completely under control. The chart of accounts are simplified by use of the branch, reference code, and project code dimensions in the records, and accounting receipts are not required to be entered thanks to the integrated structure of the finance management. Since accounting records in the other processes are created automatically, it is sufficient to just inspect them. Thanks to the parametric infrastructure, documents can be transferred directly to accounting or recognized after being checked in the integration pool.


Effective control with the Cost Accounting module

The Cost Accounting module of Logo Netsis 3 Standard offers all the necessary data to identify a strategy, to become a leader with new strategies and to increase profitability in a competitive environment. The effect of the costs required for a single unit of the product to be produced, such as workmanship, material, energy, depreciation, and semi-finished goods can be easily found in the system and the cost of the sold product can be quickly viewed. This significantly increases production efficiency. The production processes are defined in the finest detail so that the system can evaluate the data. The production stages and expense centers that are processed in each of these stages; the distribution keys through which the cost items of raw material, labor and depreciation will be evaluated; the order of the stages; products or product groups and the account codes for the finished goods, semi-finished goods, consumables and reflection of these groups are all entered into the relevant sections.


More effective processes for the monitoring of fixed assets

The Fixed Asset Management function of Logo Netsis 3 Standard enables processes in relation to buying fixed assets, debiting them to personnel, disposing of them, etc., to be easily and effectively monitored. Thanks to amortization schedules, amortization can be calculated in local currency according to the Tax Procedure Law, in reporting currency according to international reporting, and in local currency according to the Turkish Financial Reporting Standards (TFRS), while different depreciation accounts can be transferred to accounting through separate accounts.


Compatibility with foreign trade

The Foreign Trade module of Logo Netsis 3 Standard enables import and export operations to be performed more effectively, more efficiently and in compliance with legal obligations. All liabilities can be monitored in compatibility and integration with other processes such as accounting, finance, purchasing, sales and distribution.


Efficient production, low costs

Logo Netsis 3 Standard provides optimization in transactions and processes such as controlling complex production processes, compliance with deadlines of changing customer orders, complete fulfillment of orders, and the management of stocks based on requirements, thus reducing production costs. Resources are effectively managed through functions such as forecasting, master production scheduling, capacity planning, materials requirement planning, advanced production planning (scheduling), quality control, and machine maintenance and repair.


Error-free purchasing processes

With Logo Netsis 3 Standard, all supplier processes from requests to purchase invoices, are monitored in relation to each other. This allows the entire process to stay under control, and planning becomes easier. In addition to identifying the most appropriate offer by collecting offers from suppliers, details such as discounts and forward prices in contracts of suppliers who are regularly worked with can be defined in the system based on dates, and purchase records can be easily created. Plans are facilitated by the duration of supply definition and other similar definitions.


Better-quality stock operations

With Logo Netsis 3 Standard, stock targets and strategies can be created and monitored in the system, instant stock values and levels can be monitored and stock costs can be controlled. Products can be easily tracked thanks to material classification and leveled hierarchy designed for businesses working with various product ranges. The same type of materials can be monitored based on different criteria, and a change that concerns thousands of materials can be updated by changing only a single definition with the flexible configuration (variant). While materials can be tracked with an unlimited number of units, thanks to the feature of monitoring with different units, reporting can be performed through a single unit with the conversion coefficients feature.


Higher efficiency with Dynamic Warehouse

The Dynamic Warehouse module of Logo Netsis 3 Standard allows goods to be easily placed in the warehouse with the help of defined parameters, and to be easily collected during issuance. As it becomes easy to follow all the movements of raw materials and products in the warehouse, purchasing, placement, collection and dispatch operations can be managed smoothly. In addition to shaping the rules in the warehouse with the help of the parameters, matching goods with shelves based on their volumes, and tracking the stock entries/exits and production activities through serial numbers with the Serial/Lot Tracking application also becomes possible.


Optimization in deliveries

The process, beginning with the creation of all paperwork required for the orders and delivery, and lasting until the completion of a timely delivery can be managed in an integrated manner with Logo Netsis 3 Standard. Information in relation to stocks, requests, offers, orders, delivery notes, invoices and customer debts are easily monitored through the system, while the issue of invoices in foreign currencies for international operations and the tracking of payments in foreign currencies facilitate processes. The quality of service offered to customers increases as operations are managed properly and timely with an efficient sales and distribution process, and the improvement in customer satisfaction is reflected in your company as a competitive advantage.


Customization and integration as required

With Dynamic Coding support, a new form can be opened, pop-up warning messages can be sent, and the process can be blocked based on the rules defined during document entry. Businesses that develop their own applications or would like to integrate the ERP solution with different applications are able to benefit from NetOpenX. With NetOpenX, records can be transferred to the ERP solution and data can be retrieved without interrupting the business logic. The Netsis Rest API is an interface which covers the NetOpenX functions, and offers standardization, convenience and consistency for the development of web-based or mobile applications. This feature is supported by the REST (Representational State Transfer) Web API infrastructure which is a simple, flexible and capable architecture, and is able to broadcast via the Windows service without an IIS installation. The NDI tool can be used in integration with Logo Netsis 3 Standard to design custom data entry screens for companies.

Those who prefer Logo Netsis 3 Standard

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about the solutions, products and services offered by Logo Yazılım? Here you can find answers to our most frequently asked questions.


Can I create parcels with different contents for my customers, sell and monitor through this parcel stock?

Parcels with different contents can be created with the Mixed Parcel application of Logo Netsis 3 Standard.

Can I track my stocks with serial numbers in Logo Netsis 3 Standard?

Serial tracking can be performed for the desired stocks by opening the Serial Tracking parameter in the Logo Netsis 3 Standard solution.

Which documents can we create after weighing on the scales?

If the difference between the second weighing amount and the first weighing amount is positive, a sales delivery note can be created, if it’s negative then a purchasing delivery note can be created.

Which online banking transactions does Logo Netsis 3 Standard support?

Online Current Information Update, Online Code Update, Automatic Payment Order Query, Payment Orders Online Banking, Collectible Checks Online Banking, and Company Checks transactions are supported in the Logo Netsis 3 Standard package. You can get detailed information from support units on which transactions are supported in which banks.

Can I use the program in a language other than Turkish?

The Turkish and English languages are standardly available in the Logo Netsis 3 Standard solution. If you like, you can also use other language options by purchasing them.

Which additional package should I buy to track the use of my patterns?

You can track your patterns with the Resource Management additional package.

Can our records be tracked and reported on a project basis?

We have Project Code support in our Logo Netsis 3 Standard product. When the related parameter is opened, the project code information will also be asked during the recordings.

Will I be able to use Cost Accounting when I buy Logo Netsis 3 Standard?

You can use the Cost Accounting module by purchasing it additionally.

What additional package do we need to enter quality control records?

The Quality Control application can be used with our Logo Netsis 3 Standard product with no requirement for any additional modules.

Which package can we use to issue producer invoices?

Producer Receipts are standardly available in our Logo Netsis 3 Standard product.

I also need e-Solutions such as e-Dispatch, e-Invoice, e-Archive and e-Ledger. Can I use them?

The Logo Netsis 3 Standard solution is integrated with Logo e-Solutions."

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The cloud-based Logo Diva SERVICE enables retail companies to manage their entire after-sales service processes from repair to spare parts procurement in the most agile and efficient way.

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Developed for companies to easily manage their reconciliation processes, the e-Reconciliation application enables the DFP (Declaration Form for Purchases of Goods and Services), DFS (Declaration Form for Sales of Goods and Services), Current Statement and Current Balance reconciliations to be performed rapidly and safely in the electronic environment.

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Logo Diva RETAIL

Designed specifically for the retail sector, the Logo Diva RETAIL which can be used as a built-in or cloud-based software, enables all cash transactions to be rapidly and easily tracked and managed.

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With Logo On-Premise Products



Expediting shipment processes and trade by creating delivery notes in the digital environment, e-Dispatch improves the efficiency of businesses.

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The e-Ledger application enables the General Journal and General Ledger documents to be prepared in the digital environment, in accordance with set standards, and sent to the Revenue Administration quickly and easily.

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Developed in accordance with the standards set by the Revenue Administration, e-Invoice products enable the safe and fast circulation of invoices in the digital environment.

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