“As Türkiye's largest local enterprise software company, we strive to enhance the experience of all our customers and stakeholders through our products and services, thereby improving our corporate reputation and building trust in our brand. We are committed to creating an ecosystem that ignites innovation and creativity, fostering a culture of continuous progress that enhances our capacity for innovation and idea generation.”
Mehmet Buğra Koyuncu
Chief Executive Officer
Logo Yazılım was founded in 1984.
Logo Yazılım did its IPO on 1 May 2000.
Logo Yazılım and its subsidiaries operate in information technologies sector. Articles of association can be reached at; here
Logo Yazılım's shares are traded with ticker LOGO at BIST
Logo Yazılım shares are traded under BIST Star market.
Logo Yazılım is included in XYLDZ (star), XUTEK (technology), XBLSM (informatics), XKURY (corporate governance) and XUSRD (sustainability).
Logo Yazılım’s free float is 66%
In the Articles of Association, there are no privileges regarding dividend distribution. Dividend policy is reviewed annually by the Board of Directors. In dividend distribution, a balanced and a consistent policy is followed between the shareholder interests and company interests in accordance with Corporate Governance Principles. As a dividend distribution policy, the Board of Directors, considering general economic conditions, the company’s long-term investment finance and business plans, intends to distribute up to 55% of the distributable profit calculated in accordance with TCC and CMB regulations, and the Articles of Association; dividend distribution may be realized in cash or by capital increase through bonus shares or partly in cash and partly through bonus shares. In the event that the dividend amount is less than 5% of the paid-in capital then such amount will not be distributed and will be retained within the company.
General Assembly will be held in the first three months of the year. The exact date will be announced at our website and at the Public Disclosures Platform.
Logo publishes its financial reports four times a year; 3-months, 6-months, 9-months and full year. Financial Reports can be reached at Logo’s website under “For Investors-Financial Statements” tab via this link.
Shareholders may contact the Investor Relations department via phone at +90 262 679 80 00 or via email at [email protected].