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What is LEM?

In the contemporary world, software, technology, and related business processes keep developing on a non-stop basis. For companies, a high return on software investments is only possible if the software is updated regularly and new features are added. This means that companies require support that is equipped with up-to-date business and process models if they are to meet current financial and management standards.

At Logo, we offer LEM (Logo enterprise membership) to our users to meet these needs, based on the principle of mutual and long-term trust. We work with a large team of developers, support personnel and consultants for users to obtain the maximum benefit from the software used.

LEM is a subscription system that allows current users of Logo products to benefit have free access for 1 year to newly developed features and amendments that are not sold as separate modules.

With LEM, users can own the latest versions of the products they use, as well as new features and performance improvements, and enjoy special prices for user, employee, and firm upgrades and modules.

LEM Brochure