Logo Treasury Wizard

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Logo treasury wizard

Logo Treasury Wizard

Logo Treasury Wizard manages the processes between Logo ERP products and banks, and ensures that the data generated by banks is quickly entered into the ERP. Also enabling payments to be made in a timely and accurate manner, this solution improves data security while providing time savings with its operational advantages.


Solid transfer between the bank and ERP

Logo Treasure Wizard enables all bank transactions including payments and collections to be checked by users and integrated into the ERP system, in accordance with the rules created. This application saves time for users, particularly in bank payment and collection processes, and minimizes human-based data entry errors.

End-to-end DDS tracking

Logo Treasure Wizard ensures that the entire process for the Direct Debiting System (DDS), which is one of the most challenging processes to manage for companies, is followed up from the beginning until the end. This allows customer limits to be checked; deliveries to banks worked with are made through a single platform; and payment registries and debit clearing transactions to be made automatically.


Integration with the ERP solutions

Logo Treasury Wizard integrates with the ERP solutions used in the center, ensuring data consistency between systems for treasury management processes. In addition, the operation speed is improved thanks to the capability to easily prepare the required documents and effortlessly transfer them between systems.

Management of bank account statements

Thanks to Logo Treasury Wizard, all bank account activities are automatically transferred to the ERP and can be listed at a single point. This allows users to save time, while avoiding inaccurate data entries. A Logo-bank balance report is easily retrieved from the system at the end of the day. Integration with more than 20 leading banks including Garanti Bank, İş Bank, Yapı Kredi Bank and Akbank is readily available.

Direct Debiting System (DDS)

With this application, customer limits can be checked and collection invoices can be retrieved from the system and then transferred to the bank. The outcomes of the collection transactions can be tracked through the system; bank receipts can directly be entered into the system; and invoice-based debt clearing transactions can be performed automatically. Since all these processes are carried out automatically through the system, human-based errors decrease and a labor force saving of up to 90 percent is achieved.

Customer invoice (corporate) payments

Thanks to Logo Treasury Wizard, automatic payment orders can be defined for customers or utility bills, and bills can be paid via the system through internet banking. Likewise, credit card payment options are also available. Receipts can be automatically transferred to the system, while customer debts can be tracked on an invoice basis.

Payment management

Customer and supplier payments can be made through a single platform. This provides full control over payments and saves labor. Also, the risk of errors is reduced as manual processes decrease. Invoices to be paid to suppliers are retrieved from the system and directed to the bank, upon which they can be followed up at the bank. Following payments, receipts can be sent to the suppliers via the system and the receipts are transferred to the system, allowing the debt clearing process to be completed. Payments, transfer transactions, and personnel payments can also be entered into the system manually, and bank transaction receipts can also be transferred.

Order management

Automatic orders can be created and archived for various types of orders (EFT, wire transfer, transfer, foreign exchange purchases-sales, invoice payment, check collection, letter of guarantee, term extension for collaterals, tax-SSI, fund return, cash deposit, 3rd party payments, credit usage and credit closing, pledge termination for license plates, early credit closing, O/N deposit, term deposit, MVT, contract payment, loan repayment, cheque returns), using the standard templates of Logo Treasury Wizard.

Credit management

Credits can be issued via the ERP and credit payment receipts can easily be prepared. Automatic orders can also be created for these transactions. Credit reports can be created, risks can be monitored and analyses can be undertaken on a single platform with the Logo Treasury Wizard solutions.

Management of collections for credit cards

Invoices whose payments are to be collected by credit card can be retrieved from Logo ERP and such payments can be automatically collected by PayU and Mobilexpress via integration. In addition, automatic credit card current account receipts can be entered into the system and debt clearing transactions can be performed. Automatic re-trials can be done at regular intervals for invoices whose payments could not be collected. Credit card return transactions and the entry of the returned current account receipts can also be easily performed with Logo Treasury Wizard.

Physical POS management

While businesses collect payments by POS machines, customer numbers can be entered into Logo ERP via Logo Treasury Wizard. At the end of the day, the current-based match of the business with the Z report received from the bank is performed automatically, while POS payments can be tracked through the system.

Integration with the ERP solutions

Logo Treasury Wizard integrates with the ERP solutions used in the center, ensuring data consistency between systems for treasury management processes. In addition, the operation speed is improved thanks to the capability to easily prepare the required documents and effortlessly transfer them between systems.


Management of bank account statements

Thanks to Logo Treasury Wizard, all bank account activities are automatically transferred to the ERP and can be listed at a single point. This allows users to save time, while avoiding inaccurate data entries. A Logo-bank balance report is easily retrieved from the system at the end of the day. Integration with more than 20 leading banks including Garanti Bank, İş Bank, Yapı Kredi Bank and Akbank is readily available.


Direct Debiting System (DDS)

With this application, customer limits can be checked and collection invoices can be retrieved from the system and then transferred to the bank. The outcomes of the collection transactions can be tracked through the system; bank receipts can directly be entered into the system; and invoice-based debt clearing transactions can be performed automatically. Since all these processes are carried out automatically through the system, human-based errors decrease and a labor force saving of up to 90 percent is achieved.


Customer invoice (corporate) payments

Thanks to Logo Treasury Wizard, automatic payment orders can be defined for customers or utility bills, and bills can be paid via the system through internet banking. Likewise, credit card payment options are also available. Receipts can be automatically transferred to the system, while customer debts can be tracked on an invoice basis.


Payment management

Customer and supplier payments can be made through a single platform. This provides full control over payments and saves labor. Also, the risk of errors is reduced as manual processes decrease. Invoices to be paid to suppliers are retrieved from the system and directed to the bank, upon which they can be followed up at the bank. Following payments, receipts can be sent to the suppliers via the system and the receipts are transferred to the system, allowing the debt clearing process to be completed. Payments, transfer transactions, and personnel payments can also be entered into the system manually, and bank transaction receipts can also be transferred.


Order management

Automatic orders can be created and archived for various types of orders (EFT, wire transfer, transfer, foreign exchange purchases-sales, invoice payment, check collection, letter of guarantee, term extension for collaterals, tax-SSI, fund return, cash deposit, 3rd party payments, credit usage and credit closing, pledge termination for license plates, early credit closing, O/N deposit, term deposit, MVT, contract payment, loan repayment, cheque returns), using the standard templates of Logo Treasury Wizard.


Credit management

Credits can be issued via the ERP and credit payment receipts can easily be prepared. Automatic orders can also be created for these transactions. Credit reports can be created, risks can be monitored and analyses can be undertaken on a single platform with the Logo Treasury Wizard solutions.


Management of collections for credit cards

Invoices whose payments are to be collected by credit card can be retrieved from Logo ERP and such payments can be automatically collected by PayU and Mobilexpress via integration. In addition, automatic credit card current account receipts can be entered into the system and debt clearing transactions can be performed. Automatic re-trials can be done at regular intervals for invoices whose payments could not be collected. Credit card return transactions and the entry of the returned current account receipts can also be easily performed with Logo Treasury Wizard.


Physical POS management

While businesses collect payments by POS machines, customer numbers can be entered into Logo ERP via Logo Treasury Wizard. At the end of the day, the current-based match of the business with the Z report received from the bank is performed automatically, while POS payments can be tracked through the system.