Connect Bank

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Connect Bank

Connect Bank combines the accounts of a business and the branches of the banks that it works it, enabling bank transactions to be performed safely, quickly and easily without any duplicate entries.


Several banking transactions from a single point Many banking transactions including wires, EFTs, checks/bonds, invoice and salary payments, can be performed with a single click in the ERP without the need to go to the branch or the need for internet banking, thanks to Connect Bank.

Compatible Devices


Scope of application

Electrical and electronics
Distribution and wholesale trade
Textile, apparel and leather production
Agricultural products - livestock
Health - sports
Glass - cement and soil products
Automotive and automotive supply industry
Retail trade
Food and beverage services
Tourism, Entertainment, Hospitality
Food Production
Machine and machine parts production
Media - communication, publishing and broadcasting
Finance - insurance
Electrical and electronics
Distribution and wholesale trade
Textile, apparel and leather production
Agricultural products - livestock
Health - sports
Glass - cement and soil products
Automotive and automotive supply industry
Retail trade
Food and beverage services
Tourism, Entertainment, Hospitality
Food Production
Machine and machine parts production
Media - communication, publishing and broadcasting
Finance - insurance
Electrical and electronics
Distribution and wholesale trade
Textile, apparel and leather production
Agricultural products - livestock
Health - sports
Glass - cement and soil products
Automotive and automotive supply industry
Retail trade
Food and beverage services
Tourism, Entertainment, Hospitality
Food Production
Machine and machine parts production
Media - communication, publishing and broadcasting
Finance - insurance

Operational efficiency

Connect Bank, which can be used by businesses of all sizes, improves operational efficiency by facilitating banking transactions.

Integration with ERP

Thanks to Connect Bank's integration with the ERP system, banking transactions can be carried out in the ERP with one click, providing time savings in addition to ease of transactions.

Banks in the system

Connect Bank is fully integrated with Turkey's leading banks including Akbank, Yapı Kredi Bank, Garanti Bank and Vakıfbank.

Operational efficiency

Connect Bank, which can be used by businesses of all sizes, improves operational efficiency by facilitating banking transactions.


Integration with ERP

Thanks to Connect Bank's integration with the ERP system, banking transactions can be carried out in the ERP with one click, providing time savings in addition to ease of transactions.


Banks in the system

Connect Bank is fully integrated with Turkey's leading banks including Akbank, Yapı Kredi Bank, Garanti Bank and Vakıfbank.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about the solutions, products and services offered by Logo Yazılım? Here you can find answers to our most frequently asked questions.


Is it necessary to make a payment to the bank to use the application?

No, you don’t need to pay an extra fee to your bank to benefit from the Connect Bank application. (You should contact your bank for their transaction fee policies.)"

Do businesses with offices in multiple locations have to purchase Connect Bank for each location?

For companies operating within a common commercial system at different locations, purchasing only one Connect Bank solution is sufficient. For example, if each office uses the same Logo Tiger 3 Enterprise ERP solution, purchasing a single Connect Bank solution is sufficient. However, if different commercial products are used in each location, it is necessary to obtain a separate Connect Bank for each of them.

What is Connect Bank?

Connect Bank enables banking transactions including Wires, EFTs, Checks/Bonds, Invoice and Salary Payments, and Account Statements to be safely, quickly and easily performed and recognized with a single click in the ERP without the need to go to a branch or use internet banking.

What are the advantages of the Connect Bank application?

You can quickly perform banking transactions without the need to go to the branch or to use internet banking which saves time. You can complete the operations in the ERP through Connect Bank, simplifying processes and improving efficiency.

Which banks work with Connect Bank?

Connect Bank currently works with Akbank, Vakıfbank, Garanti Bank and Yapı Kredi Bank.

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