Logo Mali Müşavir 3

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Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Logo Mali Müşavir 3

Specially designed for Freelance CPAs, Logo Mali Müşavir 3 enables taxpayers to participate in e-government processes quickly by providing a full set of solutions, while reducing workload and saving time with numerous modules ranging from declarations to payrolls, ledger statement processes and bureau management.


Ease of use 

Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) who use Logo Mali Müşavir 3 can quickly and accurately perform all of their accounting transactions for their customers thanks to functionalities such as an easy-to-use interface, fast reporting and fast recognition. 

Abounding modules 

Designed in consideration of all the requirements of CPAs and supported with a new interface, Logo Mali Müşavir 3 covers all the accounting processes end-to-end with Bureau Management, Accounting, Fixed Assets, Payroll, Operating Ledger, Tax Returns, and Integration to Ledger Statement System modules.

Compatible Devices


Scope of application

Automotive and automotive supply industry
Food and beverage services
Media - communication, publishing and broadcasting
Glass - cement and soil products
Distribution and wholesale trade
Food Production
Retail trade
Health - sports
Electrical and electronics
Finance - insurance
Metal products
Tourism, Entertainment, Hospitality
Textile, apparel and leather production
Agricultural products - livestock
Machine and machine parts production
Automotive and automotive supply industry
Food and beverage services
Media - communication, publishing and broadcasting
Glass - cement and soil products
Distribution and wholesale trade
Food Production
Retail trade
Health - sports
Electrical and electronics
Finance - insurance
Metal products
Tourism, Entertainment, Hospitality
Textile, apparel and leather production
Agricultural products - livestock
Machine and machine parts production
Automotive and automotive supply industry
Food and beverage services
Media - communication, publishing and broadcasting
Glass - cement and soil products
Distribution and wholesale trade
Food Production
Retail trade
Health - sports
Electrical and electronics
Finance - insurance
Metal products
Tourism, Entertainment, Hospitality
Textile, apparel and leather production
Agricultural products - livestock
Machine and machine parts production

Support for general accounting processes

The general accounting practices offered by Logo Mali Müşavir 3 provide a powerful and flexible financial recording and control system, while fully complying with the latest legal regulations. The standard chart of accounts is created automatically in the system, and sub-accounts can be created as desired. The stock, current account, chart of account definitions, receipts and invoices of taxpayers are recorded, and the income and expense items related to these transactions, as well as the related accounting accounts can be determined simultaneously. Income and expense records of invoices can be created individually or collectively. Invoices or CPA receipts can be issued for real persons or legal entities; Self-employment Earnings can be declared; and a Professional Ledger can be maintained. In addition, activities can be recognized, while ledgers and reports can be easily created. This provides speed and efficiency in accounting transactions.

Efficient follow-up of tasks

The higher the number of customers served by CPAs are, the more important it becomes to regularly and effectively follow-up with related tasks. The Task Scheduler function of Logo Mali Müşavir 3 allows all jobs and tasks to be scheduled in the calendar. The reminder feature provides alerts for all the jobs in the calendar, enabling all transactions and tasks to be performed on time. In addition, rent monitoring and automatic rent renewal can be performed through the system.

Support for general accounting processes

The general accounting practices offered by Logo Mali Müşavir 3 provide a powerful and flexible financial recording and control system, while fully complying with the latest legal regulations. The standard chart of accounts is created automatically in the system, and sub-accounts can be created as desired. The stock, current account, chart of account definitions, receipts and invoices of taxpayers are recorded, and the income and expense items related to these transactions, as well as the related accounting accounts can be determined simultaneously. Income and expense records of invoices can be created individually or collectively. Invoices or CPA receipts can be issued for real persons or legal entities; Self-employment Earnings can be declared; and a Professional Ledger can be maintained. In addition, activities can be recognized, while ledgers and reports can be easily created. This provides speed and efficiency in accounting transactions.


Efficient follow-up of tasks

The higher the number of customers served by CPAs are, the more important it becomes to regularly and effectively follow-up with related tasks. The Task Scheduler function of Logo Mali Müşavir 3 allows all jobs and tasks to be scheduled in the calendar. The reminder feature provides alerts for all the jobs in the calendar, enabling all transactions and tasks to be performed on time. In addition, rent monitoring and automatic rent renewal can be performed through the system.