

Leadership in technology and R&D

​Logo offers customer-needs-oriented innovative products and services by paying close attention to the technological developments to distinguish itself from competition as an IT company.​

​In a similar vein, Logo is a firm believer that the most important source for product development and sustainable solutions is R&D and innovation power. It organizes its R&D activities in accordance with the three “Horizons”, which are classified as short, medium and long term.​

​Since customer-oriented R&D and innovation remain the epicenter of its corporate culture, Logo channels the most important part of its human resources and revenues into the development of superior products for its customers by using new generation technologies. Logo allocates 30% of the total revenues to investments and spending in R&D​

​Logo is on the way to becoming an innovative international leader, and thus taking important steps in this regard on a global scale. First of all, it carries on with its endeavors to transform into an organization where the finance, talent management, brand management and platform technologies are centralized. This international organization is molded in a two-tier shape: the strategic groups create a cluster on a central level and the tactical groups on a regional level. The functional part of the products is locally developed and managed. The non-functional technology is strategically developed at the center.​

​Logo manages its R&D budget in the three-tiered “Horizon” system.

​Horizon 1 includes improvements in order to demonstrate good performance in the current year. These include the developments and improvements related to current products required by customers, business partners and in-house referrals.​

​60% of the R&D budget and energy is channelled towards Horizon 1 direction. The medium and long-term R&D activities of the company are treated under Horizon 2 and Horizon 3.​

​Horizon 2 covers new products in chime with the industry requirements and developments on the new products in a time span of 1,5-2 years.​

​Horizon 3 consists of innovation and R&D studies in the field of cloud, big data and machine learning, which are the focus of digital transformation. These take up approximately 30% and 10% of the R&D budget, respectively.​

​Logo Agile Process Improvement System (LAPIS) is one of the most important tools for innovation and execution of R&D strategy. Developed as a result of lean manufacturing philosophy, LAPIS is an agile software development methodology that continually improves itself, adapts quickly to innovations, and focuses on teamwork and customer needs with its dynamic and flexible structure.​

​Logo is working to spread this methodology as a process to other companies. It distributes the roles and responsibilities within the organization according to LAPIS and uses common tools such as Jira, Confluence, and Git in LAPIS processes.​

​In order to create a common work and product development culture, cross-company focused teams are formed. Hackathons are organized, for they contribute to both the shared culture and the innovation capacity.​

​Logo incorporates new companies through mergers and acquisitions, and transfers these companies’ know-how and experiences in the field of technology. It identifies the components that can be shared in the software architecture of different companies and within the scope of R&D studies; and adapts these companies’ products to its own standards in a way to provide more efficient and high-quality results.​

Developing corporate software for increasing the productivity and profitability of enterprises for 35 years, Logo also develops business processes along with such software programs and contributes to the development of sector.

Lapis Software Factory

LAPIS – Software factory

Developing corporate software for increasing the productivity and profitability of enterprises for 39 years, Logo also develops business processes along with such software programs and contributes to the development of sector. In parallel to changing customer needs with the widespread use and acceleration of internet, the company took the first steps in 2008 to create LAPIS (Logo Agile Process Improvement System), influenced from the lean production philosophy. With this system, a process was created encompassing all stages of a software development journey including capacity planning, project management, and quality and productivity measurements of the company. Taking its place in the literature upon its first announcement in 2014, LAPIS is an agile software development methodology ensuring the focus on team work and customer needs with its structure which is continuously self-improving, dynamic, flexible and rapidly adapting to innovations. It offers the improvements in product features with the agility needed by the customers and line with the release calendar. The LAPIS process generates output in short cycles based on customer feedbacks, and minimizes the risks in project development through these feedbacks. By this means, the service quality is always at the highest level and the projects gain a more agile characteristic.

The LAPIS process turns a software project into a product or service, and allows it to work as a production line. In this context, it considers the workplace a software factory where most Logo employees work in R&D field, constantly audits and improves products and services, and targets zero error. All products and services in this software factory are regarded as a business site. Costs and incomes are planned, and forward-looking investment plans are made for more productivity.

Many products of Logo serving different purposes are easily accessible via the same system thanks to having a common infrastructure and interface.

What forms the basis of LAPIS is periods customized to each product group, in other words, heartbeat of Logo. A new version is launched for every product within these periods.